EDIT: Logan also rolled over for the first time last night. He even rolled over for us several times while we video taped him!
This little young lady started Mother's Day Out again this week. I got her all dolled up on Tuesday. She even let me put a little bow in her hair!
My cousin Jennifer was up in AR visiting this past week and came by to play with the kids on Monday. Madison enjoyed walking around in her boots! She loves Jennifer...or any visitor who stops by to see her for that matter.
Logan's first day of MDO was today. I was a little worried about him because he has never been great at taking a bottle. I nurse him every chance I can and the only time he normally has a bottle is when he is in the nursery at church or is at one our parents' houses. When I picked him up, they said he did great with the bottle...guzzled them down. That made me feel a lot better! They also said he was such a good baby...because he is!
Momma thoroughly enjoyed her time during MDO today. I feel like a brand new woman. I was able to run several errands and go out to lunch. It's amazing how fast you can get in and out of a store without an infant carrier! I'm so thankful for MDO!
I missed the last couple of monthly birthday posts with pics/stats, but I just can't keep up with that. So, that may have to discontinue. I still need to blog a little more on Christmas...I'll get around to it eventually.
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