This afternoon, she knocked over the bowl of peppermints that we have sitting on an end table in our living room and had a blast "inspecting" each mint. It was the cutest thing ever. She took out one at time, put it in her mouth (with the wrapper), pulled the wrapper, and then threw it on the floor. Then, she pulled out a new mint. I video taped her doing this because I thought it was so cute! She really is getting so big.
Beautiful Baby Girl. I sure do love her, especially her tuff of hair that stands straight up on her head! (Sigh!)
Tomorrow we will be enjoying our Thanksgiving meal at my parents' house. I'm sure we'll also get some good snackin' in at the Freyaldenhovens' in the evening. I'm so thankful that Gabe and I were both raised in loving, Christian homes, I'm thankful for my soul mate who I dreamed about my entire life, I'm thankful for our beautiful baby girl who brings so much joy to our life, I'm thankful that we are blessed as a family with food to eat, clothes to wear, and a house to live in, and I'm thankful for God giving me what I don't deserve...a personal relationship and eternity with Him.
Have a Very Happy Thanksgiving this 2009...our baby's first!
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